
Looking for your next filming location?

Let our shopping centers set the scene for your next big filming project

Whether you're looking for the perfect spaces for your TV show, film, commercial, or photoshoot, we have the capabilities to accommodate any request. With over 170 properties spanning 40+ states, Brookfield Properties offers an extensive selection of shopping center space that includes parking decks, food courts, center courts, escalator shots, and more.

Whether you're looking for the perfect spaces for your TV show, film, commercial, or photoshoot, we have the capabilities to accommodate any request. With over 170 properties spanning 40+ states, Brookfield Properties offers an extensive selection of shopping center space that includes parking decks, food courts, center courts, escalator shots, and more.

From the modern aesthetics of California's Glendale Galleria to the beautiful landscapes found at Ala Moana Center in Hawaii, our properties deliver a look and feel fit for any director's vision. With interior and exterior set locations, our shopping centers are one-stop shops for all your filming needs.

Contact Ronata Cameron for more information

What's included in our filming location package

Partnering with Brookfield Properties on your next film project means you will receive: 24/7 access, crew parking, engineering & housekeeping, helicopter access, loading docks, location office space, security, and secured areas including wardrobe, makeup, props, and set-decor.

Picture perfect mall filming locations

California and Texas photo galleries

Hawaii and Georgia photo galleries

Previous filming work at Brookfield Properties shopping centers

Interested in filming at one of our properties? Fill out the form below or contact Ronata Cameron by email or by phone at 951-675-0423.

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